Growing And Harvesting Black Cumin Nigella Sativa

I think I don't need to say much about how much goodness the Black Cumin / Nigella Sativa contains. However, in my opinion, it is also very important that the seeds you use are really healthy and grown organically and there is only one place where you can be sure about it. Your own backyard! I hope that I can get you excited to grow your own :)

If you like to have a nice read about the history and ancient use of Nigella Sativa follow the link here. I am not associated with this website, I just find it very interesting.

Regarding the Nigella Damascena, apart from this that some websites are wrongly using the photo of the Nigella Damascena saying it is the Nigella Sativa, there is also lots of controversy whether the Damascena is safe to eat. I have done lots of research on both and the only one I want to use in my kitchen is the Nigella Sativa. However at the end everyone needs to decide by himself what he wants to go for.

Second Food Forest Just Started Progress November 2017

This video shows our second food forest we are just setting up. The first food forest is two years old and going good :) Hope you enjoy this video here.

Here below some links to the videos I was talking about in the video today:
Our first, two years old now, food forest

How to grow pumpkin from cutting and why:

How to save seeds from tomatoes and grow your own:

How to grow potatoes in straw or mulch:

Rhubarb Orange Marmalade - No Gelling Agent Needed

Super delicious and super easy to make and you only need three ingredients. I got some rhubarb from my lovely neighbor so I made some rhubarb-orange marmalade. Yummy!! Why rhubarb orange? Because orange peel got lots of pectin so you don't need to add any store bought gelling agent. 

Rhubarb Orange Marmalade

  • 800g rhubarb stalks, peeled and cut into 1-2cm pieces
  • 1 whole orange including the skin, washed in warm water (or water with baking soda and rinsed if its store bought one), cut into very small cubes
  • 800g raw sugar
  • optional some vanilla and lemon/lime juice to enhance the flavor
Combine all together in a heavy pot and let the mixture sit for about 1 hour.
After one hour, mix through, place on a hot plate and bring it to boil on a medium heat while stirring. Reduce the heat and boil on a low heat for about 30 minutes or longer if you like it thicker. Check the consistency on a cold plate.
Fill the hot marmalade into prepared jars (both, jars and lids super clean and rinsed with boiling water) and close with the lid immediately. You can store it that way on a shelf for good few months.

  • I love to cook marmalade in an enamel pot as the fruit doesn't stick to the bottom so quickly but you can also use a heavy stainless steel pot.
  • place a small plate in a freezer before you start so you can easy check the consistency later

Chocolate Cake With Almond Meal - No Flour

Healthy version of a regular chocolate cake. Very easy to make and super delicious. I always buy whole almonds and make the almond meal myself in the food processor. Its cheaper and fresher with lots more almond flavor than the almond meal you buy at the shops.  

Chocolate Cake With Almond Meal - No Flour

  • 250g butter
  • 1 cup raw sugar
  • 3tbs water
  • 3tbs pure cacao
  • dash of vanilla
Heat it all up and bring to boil while stirring. Pour off a 1/3 cup off and safe for later. Leave the rest in the pot and let it cool down up to room temperature. Then add the following:
  • 5-6 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cup grind almonds or almond meal
  • 2tsp baking powder
Blend it all together with an electric mixer. Pour into a heat proof dish or tin lined with baking paper and bake in a preheat oven at 160°C for about 30-40 minutes depends what kind of baking dish you use. Make a toothpick taste if you are not sure. Take the cake out of the oven and let it cool down for few minutes. Pour the 1/3 cup of the chocolate souse you saved before over the cake and let it cool down. 
Enjoy! :)

How To Grow Pumpkin From Cutting And Why

Collect Seeds From Tomatoes You Love And Grow Your Own

Two Years Old Subtropical Food Forest October 2017 Garden Tour